A working prototype for a competitive, fast paced endlessly generated minesweeper battle. Works just like regular Minesweeper, with a few slight changes.
Clicking on a mine deals damage to you. So does letting a blank square hit the top, or confirming a blank square to be a mine. If you have 3 more damage than your opponent, you lose.
The board slowly scrolls upward. You can change the speed with the debug slider, along with the number of mines per 16 rows. Use scroll wheel to quickly move the board up.
You can press space or the icon next to your combo meter to send blockades to the enemy board. To clear a blockade, all of the tiles along the edge of it must be either cleared or flagged a mine. Shrinking the blockade confirms the spaces; so be confident that you're right.
You can middle mouse click, shift right click, or use the ? button to mark tiles unknown. Clearing them while marked this way will reveal if it was a mine or not without damaging you, but cost 10 points from your combo meter.
I hope you enjoy!
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